A Texas law banning most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy went into effect on Wednesday, despite the 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a constitutional right to the procedure, making the state the most restrictive in the nation in terms of access to abortion services.
This is a poem about the gender pain gap and how people with uteruses truly do get the shit end of the stick
the fact woman have to go on multiple different birth controls "to find one that works for them" due to the insane amount of side effects . But men never have to worry.
When I finished reading this poem, the first thing I felt was hopelessness and breathlessness. These words kept popping up like bombs in my head. I want to convey this feeling visually to everyone.
I picked out some words, and when I saw these words, I had these feelings.
“I felt the confusion, the noise, too much information, heavy, and I couldn't breathe.”